About Us

Our dependable network of carriers is reliable, constantly growing, and always there for you, 24/7. Make the capable fleet at Imperial Carriers Inc., your trusted partner for your transportation and logistical needs.

Contact Us

Transport anything from anywhere

Rental Agreement

PHONE: 952-666-1818
FAX: 952-666-1919
EMAIL: info@imperialcarriersinc.com
WEB: 9www.imperialcarriersinc.com
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Rental Agreement Form

Customer Name:
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Customer #:
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Your Address
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  • - select a state -
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
- select a state -
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Your Phonenumber
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Fax Number:
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Delivery Information

Delivery Address
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Delivery City:
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  • - select a state -
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
- select a state -
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Delivery Zipcode
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Delivery Phone:
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Delivery Contact:
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You and any authorized driver will be liable for any physical or mechanical damage to the rental unit, as specified in paragraph 3 on the other side of this Agreement.
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Liability Insurance

Neither we nor our insurer will be liable for any sums that you or any driver of the rental unit must pay as damages because of bodily Injury or property damage resulting from the operation of the rental unit, except as follows: The ltmft of our Insurer's liability insurance coverage for you or an authorized driver will not exceed the minimum Umit required by any applicable compulsory or finandal responsibility law and any such coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance, whether primary, excess or contingent.
Total Sale - $35,550
$0 Down Payment
$1, 185/Mo for 30 Month
1. No early payment penalty
2. Payments to be charged via ACH every Month on the 19th or next business day
Imperial Carriers Inc is responsible for all maintenance items such, but not limited to tires and brakes.
Rental Vehicle to be cleaned out Prior to Return.
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Vehicle ID#
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Rental Date:
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Actual Return
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Rental Rates & Charges

Number of Hours:
Enter Number of Hours:
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Amount Per Hour:
Enter Amount Per Hour:
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Number of Days:
Enter Number of Days:
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Amount Per Day:
Enter Amount Per Day:
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Number of Weeks:
Enter Number of Weeks:
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Amount Per Week:
Enter Amount Per Week:
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Number of Months:
Enter Number of Months:
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Amount Per Month:
Enter Amount Per Month:
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Number of Miles:
Enter Number of Miles:
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Amount Per Mile:
Enter Amount Per Mile:
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Number of Locks:
Enter Number of Locks:
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Amount Per Lock:
Enter Amount Per Lock:
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  • - Select Methond of Payment-
  • C.O.D.
- Select Methond of Payment-
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1. Read carefully all provisions on the reverse side. They are part of this Agreement.
2. You are responsible for all traffic violations and must turn in all summonses upon check in.
3. Report all accidents Immediately.
I have read and agree to all terms and conditions on both sides of this Agreement. I authorize you to process a credit card voucher, if any, in my name for any charges owed to you. [Note: If Agreement pertains to a private passenger vehicle being rented (other than for use while customer's own vehicle, or one customer has agreed to purchase, is being serviced, repaired, manufactured or delivered), a credit card may be used for payment for damage only if authorized by customer after the amount of customer's If ability has been determined.]
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This agreement is one of rental only. The Rented Vehicle is our property and must be returned to us on the date shown on the reverse side, or earlier if demanded by us, together with all tires, tools, accessories and equipment, in the same condition as when received by you, other than for ordinary wear and tear. If the Rented Vehicle fs returned to us at any place other than our address listed on the other side or other place designated by us, you will be required to pay us a return service charge of $2.00 per mile. We may peacefully repossess the Rented Vehicle, without demand, wherever found and terminate this Rental Agreement if the Rented Veh!cle is illegally parked, is used in violation of law or of this Agreement, or was obtained as a result of any misstatement or fraud, or is apparently abandoned. We will not in any way be liable to you for damages resulting from such repossession nor shall we be responsible for the loss or damage to any of your property contained in the Rented Vehicle.
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2. AMOUNTS DUE US. You shall pay us on demand:
A. All time and hourly charges as computed on the other side of this agreement with total reefer hours determined by deducting the run time hours noted prior to start of rental from the run time hours noted at time of rental return as applicable and as displayed from the reefer units hourmeter in the electronic control unit.
B. A refueling charge of $4.50 per gallon (up to 20 gallons total) if the Rented Vehicle is returned with less than half a tank of fuel as app!Jcable.
C. All sales, use, excise or other taxes required to be paid by us because of this Agreement;
D. All fines, penalties, forfeitures, court costs and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by us with respect to your use of the Rented Vehicle including parking, traffic or other violations or toll fees assessed against us, the Rented Vehicle, or you, unless due to our fault;
E. Our costs and expenses Including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in collecting any payments due to us under this Agreement or in repossessing the Rented Vehicle pursuant to paragraph 1; and
F. Any amounts owed to us because of damage to the Rented Vehicle as specified in paragraph 3.
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You agree to provide insurance of no less than $1,000,000 liabillty and $100,000 property damage coverage and will provide us with a valid certificate of lfabillty insurance showing coverage of the Rented Vehicle and noting North Central Utility of WI LLC as the loss payee. We do not provide liability coverage for you or any authorized driver except to the minimum limits required by applicable compulsory or finandal responsibility laws. Any such coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance, whether primary, excess or contingent and Is subject to all the terms, conditions and restrictions of our insurer's policy. You or the authorized driver of the Rented Vehicle must immediately report any acddent to us and deliver to us or our Insurer every process, pleading, notice or paper of any kind relating to any claim, suit or proceeding received by you or an authorized driver in connection with any accident or event involving the Rented Vehicle. You and any authorized driver will be required to cooperate fully with us and our insurer in investigating and (where applicable) defending any such claim, suit or proceeding. Any such liability Insurance coverage shall not apply; (1) to any obligation for which you or any authorized driver of the Rented Vehicle may be held liable under any worker's compensation or dlsability benefits or similar loss; (2) to any obligation i assumed by you or any driver under any express or implied contract; 93) to any
· liability of you or any driver, or any employee of either, arising while the vehicle is being used In violation of any of the limitations set forth in paragraph 5; {4) unless otherwise required by law, to medical payments required by persons sustaining injuries while riding or alighting from or getting into or on the Rented Vehicle.
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The Rented Vehicle shall not be used (a) while the driver is under the Influence of any intoxicant or other drug; (b) in a race or speed or endurance contest; (c) in the commission of any crime or other illegal activity; {d) outside the United States or Canada without our prior written consent; {e) on any surface not Intended for use by such vehicle; (f) by any person not expressly authorized to drive the vehicle under the terms of this Agreement. You may not install any accessories or make any modifications to the rental vehicle without our prior, written authorization from us. You may also not sub-rent the Rented Vehicle. If the Rented Vehicle is obtained from us by fraud or misrepresentation or is obtained or used in furtherance of an illegal purpose, all use of the Rented Vehicle is without our permission.
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During the term of the rental period, you will perform all required and necessary periodic maintenance on the Rented Vehicle as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer and/or by the individual vehicle component manufacturer. Any repairs necessary to keep the Rented Vehicle in good working condition and in compliance with Federal and/or State DOT safety standards shall be your sole responsibility as will any and all costs associated with performing such repairs. You agree to keep the interior and exterior of the Rented Vehicle clean and wash any calcium chloride or other road de-icing chemicals from the exterior monthly as applicable.
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Neither you nor any authorized driver are authorized to act as our agent for any reason or for any purpose whatsoever. During the term of this Agreement, you will have exclusive possession, control and use of the Rented Vehicle and shall completely assume full responsibility for the Rented Vehicle to the public and any regulatory body having jurisdiction.
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You may not permit any repairs to the Rented Vehicle or allow any lien to be placed upon the Rented Vehicle without our prior written consent. You will be fully liable for any repairs made without our prior consent.
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You remain fully liable for all charges under this Agreement until paid, even if we agree to your request that the charges be billed to another person. There will be a late fee of 18% annual Interest on all unpaid amounts over 30 days old.
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You are responsible for payment of any toll fees or charges incurred while operating the Rental Vehicle and agree to pay any such fees as incurred. In the event that any unpaid toll charges or fees incurred during the term of the rental period are presented to us for payment, you agree to reimburse us for the total cost of each toll and/or toll violation charge plus a $25.00 administrative fee per violation,
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